Why Wander in the Forest in Search of the Lord…!!

Sahaj Yoga is a spiritual practice aimed at self-realization and introspection. Sahaj Yoga, initiated by the revered Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, began on May 5, 1970. Through Sahaj Yoga, individuals can experience the power within themselves, achieving stability and joy in their lives. This practice teaches the art of effortless meditation, which calms the mind and connects one to their inner self.
Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, enlightened millions with the true path of life through his teachings. He emphasized the importance of unity, love, service, and truth. His teachings always promoted self-realization and a life connected to the Divine.
Guru Nanak is also known as Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Baba Nanak, and Nanakshah. He established Sikhism and is renowned as a great spiritual leader. His teachings have inspired not only Sikhs but people of all faiths.
Guru Nanak was born in 1469 in the village of Talwandi in Punjab, into a farming family. From a young age, he was inclined towards spirituality and balance. While other children were busy playing, Nanak would immerse himself in meditation and contemplation. His father tried to involve him in farming and trade, but Nanak showed no interest. He left home to spread the practice of worship and meditation, teaching the values of equality, service, and truth.
Guru Nanak stated, “Ek Onkar, Satnam” — “God is one, and His name is Truth.” His teachings emphasized the unity of the soul with the Divine. He advised people to recognize the God within themselves through meditation and practice. He also said, “Sabna Jiyan Ka Ik Daata” — “There is only one provider for all living beings.”
Guru Nanak understood the importance of meditation and practice. His teachings highlighted four essential aspects for the upliftment of human life — truth, love, service, and unity — which align perfectly with the principles of Sahaj Yoga. Through Sahaj Yoga, by connecting with our inner selves, we can embody these principles in our lives.
Guru Nanak said, “Mann Tu Jot Saroop Hai, Apna Mool Pachan” — “Oh mind, you are the embodiment of light, recognize your true essence.” This aligns well with the principles of Sahaj Yoga, where knowing one’s true self is paramount. Guru Nanak taught that through spiritual practice, one could connect with God and attain true joy in life.
Guru Nanak’s teachings are founded on three main principles:
1. Naam Japo — Remember God.
2. Kirat Karo — Work honestly.
3. Vand Chhako — Share what you earn and help those in need.
Guru Nanak advised against ego, anger, greed, excessive attachment to material things, and lust. Through Sahaj Yoga, we can remove negative thoughts and experience positive energy during meditation.
Guru Nanak recognized the significance of meditation and practice. His teachings of truth, love, service, and unity are closely aligned with the principles of Sahaj Yoga. By connecting with our inner selves through Sahaj Yoga, we can implement these principles in our lives.
Guru Nanak said, “Naam Japo, Kirat Karo, Vand Chhako” — “Remember God’s name, work honestly, and share your earnings.” Sahaj Yoga also emphasizes meditation, an honest life, and service. Through meditation, we connect with God, work honestly, and contribute to society through self-realization and service.
The clarity of Sahaj Yoga’s principles is evident in Guru Nanak’s teachings. His teachings, combined with the principles of Sahaj Yoga, have shown many the path to self-realization. By following his teachings, we can connect with the God within and attain peace, joy, and stability in our lives.
Guru Granth Sahib mentions Sahaj Yoga. Guru Granth Sahib says:
Kahe Re Ban Khojan Jayi |
Sarab Niwasi Sada Alepa, Tohi Sang Samai ||
Pushp Madh Jyon Bas Basat Hai, Mukar Mah Jais Chhayi |
Taisi Hi Har Basai Nirantar, Ghat Hi Khojo Bhai ||
Bahar Bheetar Ekai Jano, Yeh Guru Gyan Batai |
Jan Nanak Bin Apa Cheene, Mite Na Bhram Ki Kai ||
(Ang — 684)
This shloka means, “Why wander in the forest in search of the Lord? He resides everywhere and remains detached. Just as fragrance is hidden in flowers and reflection in a mirror, so too is the Divine within you. Search for that Divine within yourself. Whatever you see in the external world, the true essence and joy lie within your inner self. However, you can realize this only through the knowledge imparted by a Guru. Until you recognize yourself — who you are, what your true essence is — your doubts cannot be dispelled. This is not possible without a Guru.”
Through Sahaj Yoga, we attain self-realization and awaken our Kundalini energy. The Kundalini nourishes our chakras and connects us to the all-pervading power of divine love. Awakening through the Sushumna Nadi, the Kundalini brings us into a state of thoughtless awareness. This brings internal balance and promotes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Guru Nanak’s teachings guide us to attain Sahaj Samadhi, or thoughtless awareness. Guru Granth Sahib states:
Sun Nirantar Sahaj Samadhi |
Tih Ghar Jaye To Mite Upadhi ||
Sukhman Mahal Kare Jo Dera |
Tako Bhavjal Bahur Na Phera ||
These verses mean, “When one remains in continuous Sahaj meditation, all difficulties are resolved.” “One who resides in the Sushumna Nadi ends the cycle of birth and death.” The path of the Sushumna Nadi is very challenging, and only a Guru can guide one through it.
The ultimate goal of Sikh teachings is to achieve a state of Sahaj — a state of balance and continuous connection with the Divine. This “Sahaj state” is considered the highest spiritual attainment in Sikhism. Achieving self-realization through Sahaj Yoga is essential for inner peace, external harmony, and world peace.
A unique feature of Sikhism is the adherence and worship of the sacred scripture, Guru Granth Sahib. As highlighted in the verses, the Divine should be sought within, and Sahaj Yoga is the path to connect with the all-pervading divine power.
Guru Nanak’s teachings, combined with the principles of Sahaj Yoga, offer a path to self-realization. Through Sahaj Yoga, we recognize our inner power and implement the principles of service, truth, love, and unity taught by Guru Nanak. This practice helps us attain peace, joy, and stability in our lives. By following the path shown by Guru Nanak and achieving self-realization through Sahaj Yoga, we can make our lives more enriched and spiritual.
In today’s modern age, where we are mostly connected to the external world and neglect our inner selves, Sahaj Yoga is a unique practice that helps us connect with ourselves and communicate with our inner being. This allows us to focus on the most important aspects of our lives. The social and spiritual impacts of this yoga can bring significant positive changes in a person’s life. Thus, Sahaj Yoga is not only beneficial for physical and mental health but also a beautiful path for the union of the soul with the Divine.

So friends, to understand the teachings of Guru Nanak Sahib in today’s context and to achieve self-realization, find a Sahaj Yoga meditation center near you. If you cannot find one, seek information about Sahaj Yoga online. This great yoga is available for free and in a scientific manner. Let us experience self-realization through Sahaj Yoga and implement the philosophy of Guru Nanak Sahib in our lives.