Experience at Least One Verse…!!
Saint Dnyaneshwar Maharaj has guided us on the importance of self-realization and how to achieve it. In his writings, especially in the Dnyaneshwari, he offers insights into self-contemplation and self-realization. Despite the proximity of self-awareness, we fail to recognize it because we are entangled in material things. Saint Dnyaneshwar explains that by shedding all titles and illusions, one can experience the pure consciousness within. The ephemeral fades away, revealing the eternal consciousness, which is indestructible. Often, people avoid experiencing this inner beauty due to external distractions.
The verses in the Dnyaneshwari are akin to literary jewels. The unique feature of Mauli’s embellishments is that they not only enhance the beauty of the language but also make it more accessible and straightforward. Mauli has brought such a profound subject within our comprehension, a topic many saints and sages hesitated to touch.

The Vithoba, created by the devotion of the bhaktas, is the deity of the Varkaris. Among these Varkaris are farmers, IT professionals, and hardworking individuals from various castes and religions. They believe that visiting Pandharpur frees them from their sorrows. Vithu Mauli, like a loving mother, embraces her devotees with affection, soothing their sorrows with love. This unwavering belief celebrates the devotion through bhajans, kirtans, and the constant chanting of names, reaching a crescendo during the Ashadhi and Kartiki pilgrimages.
The journey of devotion, enriched by philosophical foundations, is beautifully described as “Gnyandeve rachila paya… Tuka jhalase kalasa.” Vithal, the life force and the abode of scriptures, is the deity of Pandharpur, encompassing the essence of Balakrishna, Vishnu, and Shiva.
In the sixth chapter of the Dnyaneshwari, Saint Dnyaneshwar Maharaj gives a beautiful description of Kundalini energy, which is essential to understanding its nature. He compares it to a serpent’s tiny offspring, coiled up like a little snake in the Muladhara chakra. This Kundalini energy, lying dormant, awakens and rises through the six chakras to reach the Brahmarandhra, facilitated by the blessings of Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga. As it ascends, it consumes earthly attachments. When it merges with Shiva at the Sahasrara chakra, the practitioner experiences Samadhi, with the mind merging into the divine, detached from worldly thoughts.
Through Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has provided an easy path to Kundalini awakening. Achieving self-realization becomes straightforward through this practice. As described, the Kundalini awakens and travels through the seven chakras, bringing positive changes once they are balanced. Self-realization is not just theoretical but experienced through this practice, feeling the waves of consciousness in the body.

The unique aspect of the Varkari devotees is their pilgrimage to Pandharpur to witness Vithoba-Rakhumai. This journey is filled with devotion and joy. Upon reaching Pandharpur, they experience the chanting of “Avaghe garje Pandharpur… Jhala namacha gajar.” According to Saint Dnyaneshwar, experiencing self-realization makes life more meaningful. This practice helps overcome life’s difficulties, mental stress, and physical ailments.
Through Sahaja Yoga, one’s thoughts become purified, enhancing societal, familial, and personal well-being. Combining Saint Dnyaneshwar’s message with the experience of Sahaja Yoga leads to a serene, happy, and balanced life.
Saint Namdev says, “One must experience at least one verse of the revered Dnyanadev.” “By embodying the essence of spiritual knowledge, a lamp of consciousness is lit. Experiencing just one verse of the revered Dnyanadev will bring salvation,” says Namdev.
Hence, every year during Ashadhi Wari, Sahaja Yogis of Pandharpur organize programs for the devotees to experience at least one verse of the revered Dnyanadev through Sahaja Yoga. Many devotees receive the blessings of Pandurang and self-realization through Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi’s grace. When they experience self-realization, feeling the waves of consciousness in their palms and on the top of their heads, the joy on their faces is worth seeing. A Varkari, whose hands (kara) flow with the waves (chaitanya lahari), starts asking what to do next once they feel the air flowing through their hands after self-realization. We provide them with the address and contact numbers of the Sahaja Yoga meditation center in their village to continue their practice.
In today’s modern age, where we often connect with the external world and neglect our inner self, Sahaja Yoga is a unique method that helps us connect with ourselves and communicate with our inner spirit. This allows individuals to focus on the most important aspects of their lives. The social and spiritual impacts of this yoga can bring significant positive changes in a person’s life. Hence, Sahaja Yoga is not only beneficial for physical and mental health but also a beautiful path to the union of the soul and the supreme spirit.
Friends, to understand the significance of Wari in today’s times, find out where the nearest Sahaja Yoga meditation center is. If you can’t find one, seek information about Sahaja Yoga online. This great yoga is available for free and is scientifically based. Let’s experience self-realization through Sahaja Yoga and implement Saint Dnyaneshwar’s philosophy in our lives.